EPHEMERA: Objects from 'This Journey is a Book', 'The Hesitant Visitor', 'Between the Actual and Possible'

The Hesitant Visitor - cover detail
As the work I make is often site-specific, I thought it would be good to put a little pack together featuring a piece of work from some of the different projects. Included is:

- the Introductory page created for the exhibition This Journey is a Book. The text is a small essay about the experience of being in a library.

- three A5 booklets from The Hesitant Visitor created for Senate House library - each telling a brief narrative that connects the physical library space with actual books from the collection.

Between The Actual and Possible page.
- four pages from the exhibition Codex: Between This and That. The text for each was created for exhibition at the bookartbookshop and changed each day of the exhibition - the altered text can be accessed by an embedded QR code. The alternate text can be viewed here.
