BOOKS: New editions of The Unassuming Collection, Lives and Books and Goethe's Divan

Just in time for Kaleid on Satuday 19th, I have created new editions of The Unassuming Collection, Goethe's Divan and Lives and Books.

Left to right: The Unassuming Collection, Goethe's Divan, Lives and Books
The Unassuming Collection is a story that contains a hidden book collection within it. By scanning QR codes embedded in its pages, readers can follow the narrative off the page and start their own journey through books.

Goethe's Divan is a book of poetry that can be used to divine the future. It contains 36 poems taken from Goethe's West-Eastern Divan, a book based on the writing of the Persian poet Hafez. Hafez's poetry has been widely used to tell the future, so I thought I would make it possible to do the same with Goethe's.

Lives and Books, is a small,  intimate book, which tells a fleeting narative about how the flow of our lives so easily mirrors books. Lives and Books takes the form of a palmpsest, or an altered book.
